The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
Focusing on the people who count
The Christie is committed to involving and informing both patients and the public about every aspect of our service. We believe that such involvement helps us provide a service that meets the needs of our patients. By listening to what people think about what we do at The Christie, we understand what is important to our patients. As part of our commitment, we promised to: − Provide an extensive range of information to patients. − Recruit, inform and engage with our members. − Have a council of governors which has representatives from our public members. − Hold quarterly council of governors meetings. − Keep interested members of the public well informed of developments and news through our website, the media and other communication channels. − Have a Freedom of Information (FOI) lead officer for all enquiries under the FOI Act − Hold our regular board of directors meetings in public. − Publicise our complaints procedure on our website and ensure that the investigation of any complaint is thorough and prompt. − Pursue an open and positive relationship with the media.
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