The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
School of Oncology
The School’s Medical Education Team have gone from strength to strength, overseeing the introduction of Physician Associates into the organisation, and setting up inductions and support systems for them. The School has launched a very successful medical leadership programme, offering all senior medical trainees, medical fellows, non consultant grade doctors, advanced nurse and clinical practitioners and junior consultants the opportunity to develop these vital skills. In addition to this, a new training programme was introduced for ward based junior doctors, including skills training in clinical procedures. The team have continued to increase their involvement in the undergraduate medical education curriculum at Manchester University. Christie placements continue to be highly evaluated, leading to us welcoming the biggest ever cohort of medical students electing to undertake project placements at the Trust. The School has also successfully embedded the new Student Nurse Curriculum into the Trust and has met the national challenges to support workforce shortages by increasing student nurse placement opportunities by 25%. Our Practice Education Facilitator, and our ward supervisors continue to be highly evaluated with several being nominated by students for recognition awards. The team has also worked closely with the HR department, Stockport and Trafford College, and The Job Centre (Department of work and pensions) to develop pre-employment placements for individuals who find it hard to gain successful employment. These placements have been highly successful, with a number of staff going on to gain full time employment at The Trust in clinical and non-clinical areas. Additionally, the Team are working with Loreto College, in Manchester, to provide work experience placements for BTEC Level 3 students across a range of clinical placements.
The Christie School of Oncology continues to lead the way in the delivery of local, national and international programmes of education and training. The School has been involved in a number of key developments with this year, including the development of the new Christie Proton School, the launch of GatewayC, the primary are education tool nationally, and the delivery of the hugely successful Greater Manchester Cancer Conference. The development of the Christie workforce to maximise each individual’s potential and ensure that the Trust is responsive to the needs of our patients is a core objective of The School. The Workforce Education team has worked closely with all services across the Trust to identify staff training needs and commission effective training. This includes delivery of an increase in uptake of apprenticeships. This has involved supporting the development of new opportunities for both current and future staff. Since 2018 there has been a 92% increase in the number of apprentices at the Trust. Growth has been seen across all staff groups, with apprenticeships being undertaken at all academic levels, including those leading to degree and masters level qualifications. The Trust is proud to have supported its third cohort of Nurse Associates through training, and is reporting a 42% usage of the apprenticeship levy spend (in year). The Clinical Skills Training Team has continued to deliver effective clinical skills training programmes across the Trust, which ensure staff deliver a high standard of practice . The team have worked closely with partners in the organisation to streamline the Nurse Induction Programme, and have supported the implementation of several new initiatives across the organisation, including introduction of the UKONS Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy Competency Passport.
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