The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20


Interventional Radiology Overall activity has increased again over the last year, with over approx. 2400 procedures performed. Radial access continues to be the route of choice for suitable patients and procedures, which has allowed cases to be changed from inpatient stays to day case procedures. Same day admission for gastrostomy patients has been introduced reducing overall length of stay for this group of patients. There is a plan to introduce this for other groups of patients. Ultrasound We have performed over 4,000 diagnostic and interventional US examinations this year. We operate this service from the Integrated Procedures Unit and from the Radiology 2 facility. The directorate is to trial the addition of an ultrasonographer to the team to perform diagnostic ultrasound and to increase the capacity for these examinations. If successful we will recruit or train an ultrasonographer to compliment this service. PET-CT Reporting The department is responsible for Nuclear Medicine reporting, including reporting for the Greater Manchester Oncology PET-CT service, of nearly 6000 scans. There have been significant challenges with the PET-CT service this year due to a national supply problems with the FDG tracer causing a backlog in appointments and subsequent difficulty maintaining reporting turnaround times Working closely with Medical Physics we have developed an action plan to ensure that turnaround times are on target to meet the requirements of the new PET-CT National Contract in April 2020. The Academy continues to provide teaching and training modules, facilitating the expansion of further PET-CT reporters.


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