The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-2020

hypnotherapy, use of essential oils and acupuncture in addition to the dynamic from the health advisory team to manage addictions. The research aspect of the service has recently been the focus of media attention due to the successful outcome of a government funded study looking at using acupuncture to manage chemotherapy induced neuropathy – the biggest in the UK. In addition to expanding patient-facing-services, our support of staff wellbeing has also increased and our governance processes are becoming more streamlined allowing us to capture activity and outcomes more effectively. All this work continues to be supported through the Christie Charity Grant. Finally, our educational unit also continues to advance; we develop training for health care professionals in for example, stress and anxiety management techniques. We receive requests to deliver courses at external venues and are working collaboratively with the School of Oncology. The clinical lead continues to be a global ambassador for the Trust and the service by teaching in countries including; USA, Japan, Slovenia, Spain and Germany. Psycho-Oncology The Psycho-Oncology team provide psychiatric assessment and treatment for both inpatients and outpatients and support to clinical teams with complex capacity and best interest decisions. The team have a multi-professional approach behavioural or psychiatric problems and issues related to drug and alcohol use. Psycho-sexual counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling services are also provided as an outpatient service which enables them to support in the management of confusion and delirium,

Complex discharge team The complex discharge team is multi-professional and includes, nurses, occupational therapists and social workers who work closely with other multi disciplinary professionals to support and facilitate discharges for patients with complex health and social care needs. These can be patients who may wish to return home with nursing needs or go to a nursing home or hospice. The team provide practical and emotional advice to patients and their families to help them make the right decision to ensure patient needs and choice can be accommodated, whilst maintaining a safe discharge. We provide an in house adult social work service on site. The social work team provides advice about services which are available in the community setting and allow our patients to voice their preference for packages of care that meet their needs. This is an essential service for patients and their carers, as it provides support, advice and information about the services available within the community, as well as assisting patients who are in a less fortunate position, for example, homeless patients or those seeking asylum. The Social workers also work closely with the safeguarding, psycho-oncology and dementia teams to provide advice and assessment. Complementary health and wellbeing Our award winning complementary health & wellbeing service supports patients and carers through all stages of cancer management to; facilitate compliance with and manage side effects of treatment, cope with symptoms of disease progression and support transition back to life after The Christie. The service is unique nationally due to its size, diversity, the level of integration with acute cancer services and activity within clinical, research and educational fields. Clinically, the team offer for example; touch therapies, stress management and mindfulness techniques,


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