The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-2020

Clinical Support Services

Clinical Support Services play an important role across the Trust, working closely with other professionals to ensure our patients’ and families physical and emotional needs are met. Services offered are both clinical and non-clinical. Clinical services Nutrition and dietetics This service provides evidence based treatment to inpatients, head and neck outpatients and the upper GI and gastrostomy drop-in-clinic. The team also lead in the development of nutrition policies and standards, regular audits and research and engage in patient satisfaction work to help improve outcomes, improve the patient pathways and ensure compliance with national standards and guidance. In 2019, dietetics and speech and language therapy implemented IDDSI across the trust to ensure compliance of NPSA guidance. We continue to work closely with Salford Intestinal Failure Unit (IFU) with the remote discharge home parenteral nutrition ( PN) pathway. Patient information was developed to improve the patient pathway and ensure patients are fully informed of what HPN involves. This research has been published and abstracts presented at national and European conferences. This has been shared nationally as best practice. The department is involved in research with several publications, examples in the Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, a Cochrane Review, abstracts and presented nationally and internationally at BAPEN, ESPEN, ESMO and other conferences. The department has a dedicated research dietitian until June 2020 carrying out research in to pancreatic insufficiency in pancreatic patients

We provide expert advice in nutrition and oncology –and have inputted into national bodies such as the national diet Macmillan booklets, Macmillan AHP Framework and NICE guidance (Upper GI). There is membership to the BDA critical care group, PENG and BDA oncology group. The dietetic manager is secretary to the BDA oncology group and has dietetic input at a national level on national guidance and education. The department sets annual objectives in line with the trust objectives. Physiotherapy/Occupational therapy (OT) Physiotherapy and OT support patients in an inpatient and outpatient setting to return to their earliest independence often by a rehabilitation programme involving movement, exercise and functional activities. They are involved in discharge planning and ordering specific equipment or adjustments to prolong the patient’s independence wherever possible in the home setting or arranging intermediate care. We also provide a limited weekend service aimed at assisting in the earliest independence and discharge for our patients The physiotherapists also work closely with other Health Care professionals in providing advice and rehabilitation for metastatic spinal cord patients and patients who have respiratory problems including those on the Oncology Critical Care Unit. Our Out Patient physiotherapy lymphoedema service provides a Christie out- reach lymphoedema service to clinics covering Bolton, Stockport and East Manchester, which has proved to be extremely successful. Speech and language therapy We assess, diagnose and treat speech, voice and swallowing disorders, providing a service to both inpatients and outpatients. We have recently established a service in the proton beam


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