The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
Annual Governance Statement
place in any of its supply chains or in any part of its own business. Our statement can be found in the trust publications section of our website. NHS Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) assurance process The trust participates in an annual self assessment process against the NHS Core Standards for EPRR. The outcome of the self assessment for 2019/20 was that the trust declared substantial compliance with the Core Standards. Evidence of compliance, supported by a Board-approved Statement of EPRR Conformity, was submitted to the commissioners. Adaptation Events such as heatwaves, severe cold weather and flooding are expected to increase as a result of climate change. To ensure that our services continue to meet the needs of our local population during such events we have developed and implemented a number of policies and protocols in partnership with other local agencies. These include: • Major incident plan • Business continuity plan • Evacuation Plan • Pandemic influenza plan (relevant for response to Covid-19 pandemic) • Heatwave Plan • Winter Plan These are all operational plans that comply with the NHS England framework for emergency preparedness, resilience and
• Opinions and reports made by internal auditors • NHS Litigation Authority claims profile and other external inspections, accreditations and reviews. The process that has been applied in maintaining and reviewing the effectiveness of the system of internal control has been reviewed by: • The Board; through consideration of key objectives and the management of principal risks to those objectives within the Assurance Framework, which is presented at board meetings • The Audit Committee by reviewing and monitoring the opinions and reports provided by both internal and external audit • The Quality Committee; by reviewing and monitoring the opinions and reports provided by both internal and external audit reviewing clinical governance and risk management arrangements and receiving reports from the sub risk committees • External assessments of services The Modern Slavery Act 2015 The Modern Slavery Act 2015 establishes a duty for commercial organisations to prepare an annual slavery and human trafficking statement. This is a board approved statement of the steps the organisation has taken during the financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking • The Risk and Quality Governance Committee by implementing and
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