The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Anae4sthetics, Theatre & Surgery

Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology Centre (CPOC) The Christie CPOC is an internationally renowned centre for highly specialised surgery offering a national and regional service to the UK NHS and was awarded the 2013 BMJ Cancer Care Team of the Year Award. It specialises in: 1. Peritoneal surface malignancy - One of two centres commissioned by NHS England providing cytoreductive surgery and heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (CRS/HIPEC) for patients with appendix tumours and colorectal peritoneal metastases (CRPM). 2. Advanced pelvic and retroperitoneal malignancies (primary and recurrent) - CPOC offers a regional and national multi-visceral resection service for patients where radical surgery necessitates collaborative colorectal, urology, gynaecology and reconstructive surgery. The UK National Bowel Cancer Audit recognises it as one of three tertiary cancer centres in the UK. 3. Anal cancer - The largest anal cancer unit in the western world with an established database since 1988 of over 750 patients, with 80 new cases diagnosed per annum. CPOC has actively contributed to the development of the leading international anal cancer clinical trials and remains in the highest centile for recruitment to those trials. 4. Neuroendocrine tumours – CPOC is recognised by the European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (ENETS) as an accredited centre of excellence for the management of these rare neoplasms. CPOC is a core member of the neuroendocrine endocrine tumour MDT engaged with treatments for small bowel, appendix, colonic and rectal tumours. 5. Organ preserving treatments for rectal cancer - A leading international centre with expertise in managing patients with complete clinical response following long course chemoradiotherapy. Initially working through the GI disease group, CPOC established the ‘Oncological Outcomes after Clinical Complete Response in Patients with Rectal Cancer’

(OnCoRe) database from a North West England and Wales collaborative initiated in 2005, reporting outcomes in Lancet Oncology in 2016. OnCoRe is a major contributor to the international collaborative watch and wait database recently reporting outcomes from a cohort of 1,009 cases (Lancet 2018). The team hosted the national PTS meeting in January 2019, which included a discussion of data from all units with a view to improving patient outcomes. appropriateness of referrals. With this in mind, the team now runs a programme inviting MDT participants to attend a course explaining what they need to know in this field. In 2019, we will expand the team further with the appointment of an additional consultant to support the activity which will be generated from the development of the total pelvic exenteration service for advanced and recurrent rectal cancer and for increased work in research. For a more detailed review of the service, please refer to the CPOC Annual Report for 2018-19. Urological Surgical Service The Christie uro-oncology team provides surgical management for patients with penile, prostate, renal, testicular and other rare types of urological cancer including abdomino-pelvic sarcomas. In addition it provides a late effects service for men suffering sexual dysfunction following cancer treatment including penile prosthesis and reconstructive surgery. Penile The North West Penile Cancer Network (NWPCN) covers a population of 8.7 million, over a large geographic area and a diverse population. It is one of the largest penile cancer services in Europe. It provides specialist diagnostic, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical treatments (including The team have continued to develop educational projects to improve the


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