The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Annual Governance Statement

The safe staffing levels are published monthly in the integrated performance and quality report and where staffing levels fall below the accepted level an exception report is provided to the board members. The Board has engaged with NHS Improvement on their nursing retention improvement initiative and has developed an improvement plan to ensure that best practice on recruitment and retention are adopted. Our risk management strategy aims to control, manage and mitigate risk. It sets out a system for continuous improvement via risk management which extends to all areas of the organisation. It aims to reduce clinical and non-clinical risks. Risk management is integral to Trust business and is embedded in the culture of the Trust. Individual and organisational learning from incidents, mistakes, accidents and near misses is a key component of the Trust’s risk management strategy to ensure continual improvement. Risks are quantified based on the risk management standard ISO 31000:2009 which measures risk using a combination of consequence (also described as impact or severity) and the likelihood (or probability or frequency) of an event occurring. During 2019-20 there have been 10 high scoring corporate risks (16 and above); all risks have been appropriately managed during the financial year using the Trust’s risk management systems. We use Datix to support our risk management and risk register processes. This database encompasses incidents, formal and informal

At their monthly public meetings, the Board of Directors receive the integrated performance and quality report and this is discussed in detail. Through the risk management systems, all business cases and policies have an equality impact assessment (EIA) and will not be approved without the EIA being reviewed by the approving committee. We have a workforce plan that is updated annually and is signed off by the Board of Directors. Our workforce planning process has been developed in accordance with ‘Developing workforce safeguards.’ The approach includes: • Undertaking a baseline assessment, to collect up to date workforce intelligence using a specifically designed workforce planning template and supported through engagement events • Aligning this assessment with the annual planning round to ensure workforce planning is integrated with service and financial planning • Analysing returns to identify workforce availability and key workforce challenges • Developing short and medium term strategies • Monitoring implementation through the Workforce Committee Every six months the Board of Directors receives and approves a review of the nurse and allied health professional safe staffing levels. The report meets the recommendations of the ‘Developing Workforce Safeguards' recommendations.


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