The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Annual Governance Statement

management arrangements undertaken within the organisation through performance review meetings with all operational divisions and through the risk & quality governance committee. The board assurance framework is delegated to the company secretary thereby ensuring impartiality from the operational management of the Trust. The Board assurance framework is reviewed at all of the Audit and Quality Assurance committee meetings and at all of the Board of Directors meetings. Internal Audit presented the annual assurance framework opinion in March and concluded that ‘the organisation’s Assurance Framework is structured to meet the NHS requirements, is visibly used by the Board, clearly reflects the risks discussed by the Board and the identified controls and assurances are relevant.’ Risks associated with information systems and processes are the responsibility of the executive director of finance & business development who acts as the senior information risk owner. The risk management strategy & framework (2017-2020) provides a framework for managing risks across the organisation, which is consistent with best practice and Department of Health guidance. The strategy provides a clear, structured and systematic approach to the management of risks to ensure that risk assessment is an integral part of clinical, managerial and financial processes at all levels across the organisation. The strategy sets out the role of

Learnings from incidents, complaints and claims are shared throughout the Trust through the action plans developed following root cause analyses. Lessons learned are also discussed at the monthly Risk and Quality Governance Committee, through patient safety newsletters, Learning Improvement Bulletins and at Grand Rounds. A quarterly report on patient safety and experience pulls through all the themes for learning and is discussed in detail at the patient safety and the patient experience committees. The outcomes and recommendations from Serious Incidents are presented to an impartial panel chaired by a Non-executive director and two executive directors before being presented to the Board of Directors and submitted to our commissioners and the Care Quality Commission. In the last CQC inspection in 2018 the risk management and governance systems in the well led domain were tested and the Trust was rated as Outstanding. As accounting officer, I have overall responsibility for risk management processes across the organisation. I have delegated responsibility for the coordination of risk management systems and processes to the chief nurse & executive director of quality. She discharges her responsibilities through the quality & standards division, which includes lead officers for the Care Quality Commission (CQC), National Health Service Resolution , the corporate risk register and the incident reporting management system. She coordinates the governance and risk

the board of directors’ and standing committees together with individual


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