The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
Remuneration report
Non-executive directors The chair of the foundation trust is expected to devote 3 days a week to her duties which may include some time commitment during the evening or weekend. Non-executive directors are expected to devote sufficient time to ensure satisfactory discharge of his/her duties. This will be no less than 2.5 days per month and will comprise a mixture of set commitments with more flexible arrangements for ad-hoc events. Non-executive directors are not entitled to any payment for loss of office. Non-Executive Directors are not employees of the Trust. They receive no additional benefits or entitlements other than reasonable expenses which are paid in accordance with the approach set out initially by the Trust Development Authority (TDA) and then endorsed by the then ‘Monitor’ for foundation trusts. Non-executive directors are not entitled to any termination payments. In 2017-18 four non-executive directors received expenses. The aggregate sum of expenses paid was £3,757.99. In 2018-19 four non-executive directors received expenses. The aggregate sum of expenses paid was £4,015.89. In 2019-20 five non-executive directors claimed and received expenses; the aggregate sum of expenses paid was £2,550.84. Terms of Office The term of office for Non-Executive Directors at the Trust is 3 years (to a maximum of 9 consecutive years). Non-Executive Director re appointments are managed in accordance with NHS Improvement’s Code of Governance, i.e. any term beyond six years (two three-year terms) will be subject to rigorous review and subject to
The Remuneration Report describes how the Trust has applied the principles of good corporate governance in relation to Directors’ remuneration as required by the Companies Act 2006, Regulation 11 and the NHS Foundation Trust Code of Governance. Annual statement on remuneration The remuneration committee is a non-executive committee of the board of directors comprising all of the independent non-executive directors. It has no executive powers other than those specifically delegated in its terms of reference. The role of the Committee is to ensure that appropriate procedures are in place for the nomination, selection, training, development, monitoring, evaluation and remuneration of the chief executive, executive directors and other senior employees, having proper regard to the financial and commercial health of the organisation and for the provision of any national arrangements for such staff where appropriate. The committee can call on advisors to support their decisions such as the Director of Workforce and the Chief Executive. The chair of the Audit Committee also chairs the remuneration committee. The remuneration committee met twice during 2019-20 to discuss executive director pay. At its July 2019 meeting, the committee deferred a decision on approving any pay award until further guidance was received from NHSE/I. The committee revisited the question of executive director pay in February 2020 following receipt of the awaited guidance. It was agreed that the NHSI/E guidance on executive director pay should be followed. The committee approved a consolidated increase of 1.32% payable from 1 April 2019, plus a one-off non-consolidated cash lump sum of 0.77%.
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