The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Our council of governors

Governors play an important role in making us publicly accountable for the services we provide and they bring a valuable perspective and contribution to our activities. Importantly, governors hold the non-executive directors to account for the performance of the board. The council of governors is made up of both elected and partner governors who act on behalf of their members or partner organisations, working closely with us to support future plans and ensuring we keep pushing our standards for the benefit of our patients. Our council is made up of 28 governors: 15 representing the public, patients and carers; 4 representing our staff and volunteers and 9 appointed by partner organisations (we currently have two vacancies in this area). Elections in 2019 There were 6 constituencies up for election in 2019. We were able to appoint to 4 of these vacancies but had to hold an additional election as we were unable to appoint to our Trafford and one of our Manchester constituencies first time round. The results of the elections are as follow: Public constituencies: Manchester Janet Morley (appointed uncontested from July 2019) Paula Turner (appointed uncontested from November 2019) North West Derek Harrison (reappointed) Remainder of England & Wales Victoria Hallam (appointed uncontested from July 2019) Trafford Colin Bamford (appointed from January 2020) We would like to thank our outgoing governors: Roger Bowman, governor for Trafford, served on the council of governors for almost 9 years and

has been an active supporter of the Trust in many ways during this time. Roger was a valued member, and deputy chair, of the Development & Sustainability Committee. We also say goodbye to Fiona Wolstenholme and Madelaine Mansfield, our public governors for Manchester. Fiona and Madelaine were both active members of the Membership & Engagement committee. We also said goodbye to Lisa Wylie, public governor for Bolton, who stepped down mid year. We would like to welcome our new governors, Janet Morley, Paula Turner, Victoria Hallam and Colin Bamford to The Christie. Matt was reappointed as our governor representing registered nurses. There were no other changes to our staff governors during the year. Partner governors We appointed a new partner governor during 2019-20. We are very pleased to welcome Geneva Rhodes as a patient representative partner governor. Geneva took up post from November 2019. Working with our governors Our governors have a number of statutory responsibilities which are reflected in the Trust’s Constitution. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to: • the appointment or removal of Non Executive Directors • deciding the remuneration for Non Executive Directors • the appointment or removal of the Trust’s external auditor Staff constituencies Registered nurses Matt Bilney (re-appointed)


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