The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Directors’ Report

in palliative care and worked as a consultant based at St Oswald's Hospice in Newcastle upon Tyne. She returned to Manchester in 1995 as Macmillan consultant in palliative care and oncology at The Christie, with sessions at St Ann’s Hospice. She led the development of the multidisciplinary palliative care service at The Christie and helped to establish higher specialist training in palliative medicine in Greater Manchester. Wendy led a cross-College working party into the urgent care needs of people with cancer in 2012-13 and chaired the Palliative Medicine specialty committee at the Royal College of Physicians from 2013-16 and was a member of the Joint Collegiate Council for Oncology during that period. For several years she has been engaged in the development of support and information for cancer survivors and was appointed as the new Manchester Cancer pathway director for Living With and Beyond Cancer (LWBC) in 2014. Wendy has continued to support areas of this work and is now a member of a national steering committee to develop models of ‘Prehabilitation’ for patients who undergo both surgical and non-surgical treatments. Wendy is a member of the Macmillan consultant advisory group, working closely with the Macmillan GP network and a member of the Macmillan clinical advisory board. In 2017 she received a ‘Lifetime achievement award’ from Macmillan Cancer Support in recognition of her work. Wendy was Deputy Medical Director for several years before her appointment as Executive Medical Director for governance and performance in 2016; she combines this role with that of Responsible Officer and is a regional RO appraiser.

two London based integrated cancer systems which are also part of the national cancer vanguard. He had previously held posts as head of the regional cancer team at North West Regional Office, deputy regional director of public health at North West Regional Office, director of the Greater Manchester Health Protection Unit and medical director and director of public health at Greater Manchester Strategic Health Authority. From 1992 he was the director of public health for The South Lancashire Health Authority (Ormskirk, Chorley, South Ribble) and in 1996 director of public health and commissioning for North West Lancashire Health Authority (Preston and Blackpool). During this period he was the executive director responsible for overseeing the development of the new radiotherapy service in Preston. He has been involved in numerous national and international committees relating to cancer care, quality of care and standards of clinical practice. He led the first region wide cancer peer review programme and later chaired the accreditation committee of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes which oversaw the peer review programme for cancer centres in Europe. He is frequently invited to lecture on cancer care policy in the UK and abroad.

Dr Wendy Makin Executive Medical Director & Responsible Officer Wendy was appointed from 1st November 2016. Wendy initially trained as a clinical oncologist at The Christie. Following this, she decided to work


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