The Christie Impact Report 2023-24

FUTURE PLANS Creating new knowledge Research has always been central to the work of The Christie and will continue to be a focus for Charity funding in the future. We are committed to supporting the Trust’s research division with its vision of ‘Learning from every patient,’ ‘Enabling every patient to participate in research’ and ‘Applying this knowledge to improve the lives of patients with cancer now and in the future.’ Studies have shown that cancer patients treated at research-intensive hospitals have better outcomes than those treated in hospitals with little or no research activity. We support the development and provision of trials allowing more patients than ever to benefit from them. We work in a collaborative environment with numerous organisations on a regional, national, and international level including The University of Manchester, Cancer Research UK, National Institute for Health and Care Research, Greater Manchester Cancer, and Manchester Cancer Research Centre. These partnerships ensure The Christie remains at the forefront of world leading cancer research

strategies and accelerates research breakthroughs. Our supporters helped us provide £3.8m to fund research projects last year and we have committed to a further £30m up to 2030. The Trust has set ambitious targets for the next few years including trebling the number of patients participating in research and growing the pipeline of research leaders with regional, national and international influence with the ultimate aim of bringing tomorrow’s treatments to patients faster. The opening of the state-of-the-art Paterson building sees The Christie on the brink of a new era for cancer research and innovation with the seamless integration of research with clinical care accelerating discoveries from the laboratory into clinical practice, resulting in more advanced treatments and better outcomes for patients. To secure outstanding results for patients we need outstanding staff. We will support the recruitment of the next generation of cancer research leaders and clinical research fellows with the ultimate goal of improving survival rates for patients.


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