The Christie Impact Report 2023-24

A LASTING LEGACY Linda Jones has been a dedicated

fundraiser for The Christie for several years, organising various community events and also completing The Christie Challenge.

Now Linda has decided to include a gift to The Christie in her Will to help people in the future, in the way she herself was supported during a very challenging time in her life. Linda’s connection to The Christie is deeply personal; she and her late husband David shared cherished moments of normality together in The Christie garden during his cancer treatment. As well as providing world-class cancer treatment, The Christie offers a wealth of wider support. Many services and facilities are thanks to The Christie Charity, including the art and relaxation rooms where Linda found comfort, strength and

distraction, and offered her a vital mental escape during her husband’s treatment, as she recalls: “It’s such a magical space for patients and carers. I got so absorbed in what I was doing that I would look up and completely forget I was in the hospital.” When Linda discovered that such facilities are made possible thanks to gifts in Wills, she decided to include The Christie Charity in her own Will so others can benefit from patient support services such as the art and relaxation rooms. Linda adds, “One day my gift will help others when they need a place like the art and relaxation rooms to help them find hope, friendship, and creativity.”


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