The Christie Impact Report 2023-24

A blood test to diagnose Ewing Sarcoma recurrence Ewing Sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that attacks patients’ bones or the tissue around bones. It is most common among teenagers and people in their early 20s and is exceptionally difficult to diagnose when it recurs. But a blood test that detects its presence could speed up diagnosis of a recurrence. We are currently funding research to monitor patients receiving follow up care and spot recurrence earlier, even when it is too small to be picked up on a scan. The sooner patients currently being treated for Ewing Sarcoma can be tested with the new blood test, the sooner outcomes will improve for those patients for whom cancer has unfortunately returned. If relapsing patients are caught early enough, then they stand a much better chance of receiving the personalised treatment they need. Nathan Hill first realised something was wrong when he developed a pain in his leg while playing football. The pain became so severe he went to hospital where he was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma.

Along with a gruelling course of chemotherapy, Nathan had an above-knee amputation. He says: “I do worry about the cancer coming back, and have anxiety sometimes as I don’t think you’re ever the same after going through a cancer battle, but I try not to let it drag me down. “Knowing if the worst happens that there is a new blood test which could help diagnose this sooner could be a lifesaver for someone like me.”


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