Public Board papers 31.03.22
RA asked about the development of the R&I strategy and would like to understand the next steps, what will be the process to get a consensus on this. FB noted its very difficult to satisfy all views, this is the aim and the process of wider discussion has commenced in groups and in 1 to 1’s. There are many researchers who have individual strategies, or alongside the University of Manchester or the Clinical Research Facility (CRF). There is a huge amount of information already amassed to progress and an understanding of unmet need for patients. Due time and diligence to progress the strategy has been appreciated and this will now look to consider a final draft in April/May with an implementation plan alongside. This will coincide with some significant research grants. CO confirmed the Board support to R&I. AM noted that as a board we are committed to the equalities agenda and asked EL about the RESPECT agenda. EL noted there is an equality diversity & inclusion (EDI) group and 3 network groups with executive sponsors. There is a plan with objectives. We held an EDI summit in December with a wide range of contributors. We now have fair recruitment champions across the organisation. We have undertaken a listen and learn exercise with the network groups and the FTSUG to encourage staff with protected characteristics to speak up. A programme Board has been established for some time. We launched the RESPECT campaign in 2019 alongside our staff side colleagues. Divisions have individual campaigns with tools and resources for all. There was a launch and a pledge event. We have also had a Grand Round to promote the campaign and the campaign has been further promoted throughout the pandemic and workshops have been undertaken remotely. As things stabilise there are plans to do more across the Trust. CO noted that she met with the chair of the Race Network Group and it was very positive. They were very grateful to BD for her support. EL noted that there are plans to get network leads to come and speak to Board. CO thanked FB for her input and thanked the EDs for their hard work in responding to this and for the NEDs in their constructive challenge around this. CO asked that the board approves the recommendations as set out in the paper and notes that the report has been made available on the Trust website today. Noted and agreed. 03/22 For approval a Risk Management strategy & policy 2021-24 JY presented the Trust updated strategy that will take us through the next 3 years. This is underpinned by the patient safety strategy. This aims to further enhance our risk management culture. We are also developing our own safety response strategy with a focus on what we do well as well as what goes wrong. Risk champions are being developed to help support the Quality & Standards team. CO thanked to NB and JY for their continued work on this. CO noted the link to a culture where people are happy to speak up. GP noted the comprehensive strategy and the effective management of risk. He asked about recognising risk appetite and that this will be different dependent on the risk. Also about the target score aligned to risk appetite to gauge the level of
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