Public Board papers 31.03.22
Colleagues have been kept up to date daily, and we have been playing our part in the system that’s been in full escalation. There has been a requirement to treat some patients with covid as well as to maintain delivery of care and treatment of oncology services to our patients. We have also carried out cancer surgery for other Trusts. There is a levelling off of the pressure at this time, and we are in a stable situation that should result in elective activity resuming in GM. Levels of omicron is high in the community and there are still large numbers of covid patients in general & acute (G&A) beds in GM as well as high numbers of patients who no longer need to be in hospital. At The Christie we currently have19 inpatients who have covid, and 101 staff absent from work due to Covid. The internal escalation has reduced, at the peak there were 250 staff off work with covid and we have been in full escalation. We have used redeployment of staff to maintain services. We are continuing to maintain and deliver all treatment services as well as running additional surgical activity. We increased a number of our biosecurity measures and these are still at full escalation despite national guidance to the general public. The Clinical Advisory Group is advising on this and considering these measures on a regular basis to protect our high risk patients. RS pointed out the Infection Prevention & Control assurance framework that shows appropriate measures are in place to keep patients safe. RS reported that the implementation of the mandatory vaccination guidance from NHSE is underway and a lot of work has been taking place to make sure we are up to speed with this ahead of the deadline for the first jab next week. The vast majority of staff have completed all vaccination requirements and the appropriate support is in place for those who haven’t. 92% are fully compliant, there are approximately 60 members of staff that are not vaccinated. There are some staff whose evidence of vaccination is in the process of being validated as well as some staff who are being assessed as to whether they need to be counted in those who require to be vaccinated. Unvaccinated staff present a potential risk to delivery of services and work is underway to assess this risk. We don’t anticipate a significant risk as it stands. Further validation continues. RA asked what the opportunities are to redeploy staff who are not vaccinated. RS noted that there are a number of steps to take prior to consideration of redeployment. The opportunities to redeploy from clinical facing to non-clinical facing are limited. CO noted that we continue to support Trusts with their cancer surgery and asked if there is an even spread of referrals from other Trusts for surgery. RS noted that this is complex and organisations are working through how they take advantage of mutual aid. We’re working with Trusts to improve this and focusing on some particular organisation. Mr Selvesakar has been doing incredible work with clinical colleagues in GM to facilitate complex arrangement for these patients to ensure they are not waiting. b NHS Regional Office’s conclusions following the Rapid Review of the Research and Innovation Division The board has had an opportunity to consider the paper in detail in a private session which is appropriate because the issues covered include matters relating to individuals and which are potentially commercially sensitive.
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