Public Board papers 31.03.22
The sessions facilitate multi-disciplinary team discussion and learning and are very well attended with great contributions from a range of clinical staff from across the Trust. CODE Quality/Ward Accreditation Scheme The scheme has a multidisciplinary approach. This is an opportunity for Ward Teams to meet with the Executive team to present evidence, challenges, achievements, and future plans. The accreditation scheme is a detailed process and is very well received by ward staff allowing them to showcase their work and achieve recognition for their achievements. Coffee with Roger Staff have been invited to attend virtual ‘coffee with Roger’ sessions throughout the pandemic. Subject to the ongoing situation with the pandemic and rates of covid in the community and the Trust we hope to start these sessions face to face from April 2022. The Christie Charity The charity team works specifically with certain disease groups such as the breast and lymphoma teams and attends their team meetings to discuss opportunities to participate in fundraising activities but also how the team can work directly with them and their patients to generate donations for their named funds. These are important sessions to expand colleague’s knowledge about how the charity works and how they can engage. Cancer Centre Collaborative Meeting This meeting is made up of Chief Nurses and/or Deputies from The Christie, Clatterbridge and The Royal Marsden (RMH). This is an opportunity to share good practice and challenges, to establish consistent approaches and to carry out benchmarking, e.g., Safe Staffing / Safer nursing Care Tool challenges and Accessible Information Standards. We have established links between Equality Leads from RMH and The Christie through these meetings. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ( EDI) Accelerator The EDI Innovation Accelerator is a monthly programme of external speakers, networking opportunities and events to drive EDI innovation and sharing of best practice across the Trust. The programme began on International Women's Day with the official launch of the refreshed EDI strategy and guest speaker Dr Amy Bonsall on the labour of women's leadership. The next session is Friday, 8 th April "Working with Policy: Levelling Up and the NHS" by Dr Nicola Headlam, Chief Economist and Head Each public meeting starts with a clinical presentation that highlights the work of a particular clinical area or service. This is now being used to give the Board access and insight into areas across the Trust that Board members are unable to see in person and to hear about service developments and the impact on our patients and staff. Council of Governors Talking to Patients initiative The Council of Governors Quality Committee are looking at ways that governors can engage with patients virtually or through the Trust website to allow triangulation of issues relating to patient experience. This is under development. of Public Sector Red Flag Alert. Board of Directors meetings
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