Public Board papers 31.03.22
Agenda item 13/22b
Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 31 st March 2022 Engagement activities
1 Introduction Engaging with staff is critical to the Trust’s success. The Trust has adapted the way we engage with staff because of the covid pandemic and the resultant restrictions on face- to-face meetings. Virtual sessions have been arranged across the Trust and have been taking place throughout the restrictions. Many of these sessions have been very well attended and the good attendance shows that staff find them accessible. 2 Trust activities A summary of some of the main staff engagement sessions is detailed in this section. Team Brief All staff are invited to attend the monthly virtual team brief, presented by Roger Spencer as CEO. The team brief is advertised widely through email and the intranet and the written version is also cascaded following the meeting, published on the intranet and distributed in clinical areas. There is a live Q&A at the end of each session. Weekly Operational huddle (SITREP) This session is held every Tuesday morning and is chaired by the executive on call. The session is open to all staff to attend to understand the current situation within the Trust. The areas that are covered include bed pressures, staff absence, infection prevention & control update and vaccination updates as well as any key issues that week e.g., digital or estates issues. Approximately 60 to 80 people attend each week, and the invite and link for this meeting goes out on the weekly briefing. Daily huddle All Trust managers, both clinical and non-clinical, from all areas across the organisation are invited to attend the daily huddle. This is chaired by the executive on call. This is a short meeting to share issues of the day and give a collective view across the organisation of these issues. Service & Operational Reviews The monthly service & operational reviews are undertaken by the executive team for each division. Attendance at the sessions has been widened to include senior nursing teams and all levels of operational managers. The reviews look at risks and issues within the divisions and allow escalation of issues and early sight of problems. Clinical Advisory Group (CAG) The Clinical Advisory Group meets every 2 weeks and is a multidisciplinary clinical advisory forum which advises Management Board on cross-divisional or trust wide clinical developments. Clinicians can provide supportive scrutiny of clinical strategies, service developments, policies, and procedures where there is cross-divisional or trust-wide impact early in the development stage and prior to approval at Boards. A written CAG briefing is sent to all consultants and nurse/AHP leads at least monthly.
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