Public Board papers 31.03.22
Agenda Item 13/22a
Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 31 st March 2022 Board Assurance Framework 2021/22
1 Introduction The board assurance framework (BAF) 2021/22 was presented to the Board of Directors and Quality Assurance Committee in March and Audit Committee in February. Further review of the board assurance framework has taken place by the executive team and company secretary since the meeting. 2 Updates to the risks Minor updates have been made to the assurance and gaps in control sections relating to some of the risks. The risk scores have been reviewed as we approach year end. 1.1 Risk to patients and reputational risk to trust of exceeding the HCAI thresholds – risk score reduced from 9 to 4 based on current performance 1.2 Failure to learn from patient feedback (patient satisfaction survey / external 1.3 patient surveys / complaints / PALS) – risk score reduced from 8 to 6 1.3 Risk of exceeding the thresholds for harm free care indicators (falls, pressure ulcers) – risk score reduced from 8 to 6 based on current performance 1.4 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical outcomes, safety and experience – risk score reduced from 16 to 9 based on current situation 2.3 Failure to deliver the Paterson building replacement – updates to key controls 5.1 Non-delivery of our chemotherapy strategy – risk score reduced from 12 to 8 5.3 Change in financial regime resulting in inability to reinvest – updates to key controls, target score reduced from 20 to 10 6.4 Failure to implement Christie Private Care strategy resulting in detrimental impact on profit share – updates to key controls and gaps in controls 7.4 Risk of negative impact on delivery of services and staff engagement levels due to Trustwide staffing gaps – the risk has been redescribed to add in the words ‘in some occupations and ability to recruit and retain’. The risk score has changed from 15 (3/5) to 15 (5/3). The key controls have been updated. 8.1 Impact on our ability to obtain planning approval for future capital developments – updates to key controls A review will be undertaken to assess the risk scores against the target scores at year end and presented to the April Board meeting. 3 Suggested updates There are no other suggested updates to the risks identified in the Board Assurance Framework in March, the closing position of the 2021/22 framework will be presented at the April Board meeting. 4 Recommendation The Board is asked to note the board assurance framework (BAF) 2021/22 that reflects the risks to achievement of the corporate objectives.
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