Public Board papers 31.03.22
Corporate objective 8 - To play our part in the local healthcare economy and community
Gaps in assurance
Risk appetite
Principal Risks
Exec Lead
Key Control established
Key Gaps in Controls
Current Risk Score
Opening Position
Position at end of Q1
Position at end of Q2
Position at end of Q3
Position at end of Q4 Target risk score
Target date for completion
Close working with Manchester City Council (MCC) on implementing the green travel plan . The strategic planning framework approved and includes current and future requirements for travel to site. Communication with residents through the Neighbourhood Forum and newsletters. Green travel plan and sustainability plan in place. Car park business case approved and planning granted. Expansion of controlled parking zone approved. Monthly meetings with MCC planning team and extensive engagement programme in place. Sustainability Committee with Green plan (SDAT) in place. Key areas of focus include Energy & Buildings, Transport, Waste Management, Anaesthetic Gases (reduction in Desflurane and Nitrous Oxide), Pharmacy Waste. Plans in place for Carbon Literacy Training pilot with training planned for all staff, The Green Ward Competition. National and Regional Sustainability Initiatives - eg 'Gloves Off' Campaign
6 Met the 15/16 through 20/21 green travel milestones. Agreement by MCC of strategic development plan. 5 year Capital Plan delivery. Monitored through Management Board & Board of Directors. Monthly meetings with MCC. Capital programme shared with MCC and Board of Directors. Plans for tiered car parking approved Jan 18.
8.1 Impact on our ability to obtain planning approval for future capital developments. EDoF&BD 2 3
None identified Medium
None identified
Trust not fully compliant with Regional Greener NHS programme 20 deliverables for 2021/22
Failure to reach NHS Net Zero Targets (for the emissions we control directly by 2040, and those we can influence, a 80% reductions by 2045).
6 Regular reporting to Management Board and Board of Directors through the integrated performance report.
None identified Medium 6
CN&EDQ 3 2
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