Public Board papers 31.03.22
Agenda item 12/22c
Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 31 st March 2022
Corporate objectives and Board Assurance Framework 2022/23
Introduction This paper outlines the corporate objectives (and annual objectives) for 2022/23 (appendix 1) and the Board Assurance Framework 2022/23 (appendix 2).
Background Our Strategy describes where the Trust wants to be, and the Operational Plan describes how we will work towards this in year. The eight Corporate Objectives, whilst reviewed annually, have remained relatively consistent over the last eight years. We currently have an amended planning process which reflects the continuance of the level 4 incident management by NHSE. Corporate objectives 2022/23 The Corporate Objectives are a fundamental element in the development of the Operational Plan and enabling the executives and divisions to align their proposed programme of activity to the Trust’s ambitions. The eight Corporate Objectives are provided at Appendix 1 and the proposed cascade to the annual executive objectives which will then be fed into Divisional Objectives. Monitoring of the objectives has been through the integrated performance report and reports to board. Assurance is managed through the board assurance framework. Board Assurance Framework The board assurance framework (BAF) 2022/23 is presented to board and assurance committees at each meeting. The executive team undertake further review of the framework through the executive team meeting alongside the Company Secretary. The BAF 2022/23 represents risks to the refreshed corporate objectives and has not changed significantly from 2021/22. Improvements have been made in response to recommendations from MIAA’s review of the assurance framework and additional columns has been added to show risk appetite and target date for completion of each risk. It will continue to be reviewed at each meeting and appropriate changes made. The BAF 2022/23 is attached at Appendix 2. Recommendation The board of directors is asked to approve the corporate objectives (and annual objectives) and to note the opening position for 2022/23 for the board assurance framework (BAF) which reflects the risks to achievement of the corporate objectives.
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