Public Board papers 31.03.22
Agenda item 11/22a
Meeting of the Board of Directors 31 st March 2022 Chief executive’s report
1. Situation Report Our Trust escalation remains at level 2 – service/divisional mitigations are in place. There has been a rise in patients with Covid and Staff absences due to Covid in line with the rising incidence in the community. We have continued to provide all cancer care and treatment for our patients, including those who have been affected by Covid. To ensure we maintain infection prevention and control measures we continue to maintain all our biosecurity measures in place, so that we can continue to provide treatment and care for our patients. In line with the changes nationally we are currently reviewing all our biosecurity measures via the clinical advisory group. We continue to implement plans for the sustained delivery of our services going forward as well as supporting the full recovery of cancer services together with other care providers in Greater Manchester. 2. 2022 local elections: considerations for NHS providers NHS Providers have issued a briefing relating to the pre-election or purdah period leading to the 2022 local government elections. This period starts on 28 th March and ends on 5 th May when elections take place. Practical considerations are laid out including the need for there to be no activity undertaken in this period which could be considered politically controversial or influential. We must not hold governor elections in this period or make arrangements for any political visits or engagement. Further information can be found here providers-pre-election-briefing-2022.pdf 3. NHS Operational Advice and Instructions on Improving Cyber Resilience The Ukraine conflict generated a heightened concern over a cyber-attack on UK infrastructure. This includes the NHS, as the NHS is considered part of ‘the national infrastructure’ covering government, defence, health etc. In response NHS England re-issued the regulatory cyber compliance ‘Data Security Protection Toolkits’ (DSPT) for all trusts, regardless of previous compliance. The re- issue set firmer cyber targets, with NIS intervention for non-compliance. There was a hard deadline for re-baselining the DSPT assessment of 4 th March 2022. In response to the urgency for action on cyber requirements, several staff were pulled off regular duties to focus as a task group. The group have successfully submitted our DSPT re-baseline and are now working towards compliance with the additional cyber requirements requested by NHSE for the deadline at the end of April 2022. 4. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ( EDI) Accelerator The EDI Innovation Accelerator is a monthly programme of external speakers, networking opportunities and events to drive EDI innovation and sharing of best practice across the Trust. The programme began on International Women's Day with the official launch of the refreshed EDI strategy and guest speaker Dr Amy Bonsall on
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