Public Board papers 31.03.22
We are taking the following steps to address both the compliance rates and the quality of our staff PDRs. • Continuing to promote the value of PDR - we are seeking to move the culture away from PDR being viewed as an annual, process-driven, formal meeting. Instead, the focus is on the continual, meaningful wellbeing conversation between manager and staff member through the year. • Delivering the PDR module developed for managers within our Managing for Success training programme; • Promotion of our interactive resources that have been developed to support an effective PDR process • Weekly monitoring of divisional/ departmental performance at the Trust Operational Group (TOG) 8. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion EDI Summit The Christie held its first ever EDI Summit on 2 nd December 2021. Speakers from our Staff Networks joined our Executive Team and external guests to discuss topics such as EDI data, employment law and rainbow badge pledges. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and there was a real candour and respect of the lived experience shared in the sessions. We have used the summit to develop a 12 month programme of EDI activity as part of the EDI Innovation Accelerator Programme. A date of 30 th September has been set for our 2022 summit as a precursor to Black History Month. EDI Innovation Accelerator The EDI Innovation Accelerator is a 12 month programme of meetings, guest speakers and network events to further promote EDI learning, the sharing of best practice and to encourage collaboration across the Trust. The first event took place on 8th March to mark International Women’s Day and to launch our refreshed EDI plan that has been recently agreed by the EDI Programme Board. 9. Summary & Recommendations This paper provides Trust Board with an update on how we are responding to the NHS People Plan. Trust Board is asked to note the contents of the paper and appendices and take assurance on progress and how it aligns with national policy.
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