Public Board papers 31.03.22
Agenda item 11/22e
Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 31 st March 2022
Workforce Quarterly Report
1. Introduction
This paper provides the Board with an update on the Christie People Plan and other key strategic workforce developments.
2. The Christie People Plan
In September 2020 the Board received the Christie People plan 2020/1, the Trust’s response to We are the NHS: People Plan 2020/21 – action for us all, and Our People Promise. Our plan on a page ( appendix 1 ) sets out 6 strategic commitments/ priorities that map to the NHS People Plan: - 1. Workforce Supply – Understanding our demand for staff and how we can maintain a continuous workforce supply 2. Workforce Transformation – Developing innovative workforce solutions to address workforce shortages, maximising digital technology and supporting a more flexible and agile workforce 3. Leadership & Culture – Developing and equipping our leaders to foster a culture of trust, transparency, openness and respect 4. Employee Support & Experience – Supporting staff to stay safe and healthy and creating opportunities for them to be involved and listened to. How we recognise contribution and achievements 5. Workforce Development – Developing a skilled, capable workforce who have opportunities to learn and grow in their careers 6. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) – Ensuring EDI is at the heart of everything the Trust does We are currently undertaking a refresh of the Christie People Plan in line with ‘We are the NHS’ People Plan and the NHS People Promise.
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