Public Board papers 31.03.22
We currently have 36 trained appraisers, representing a reduction of 6 on last year. We have asked Divisions to support the recognition and training of new appraisers proportionate to the demand applied by the Division. So far we have attracted three additional appraisers, currently undergoing training, thereby increasing our total number of trained appraisers for 2022/23 appraisal year to 39. Our optimum number of appraisers would be closer to 58, so there remains a shortfall which we continue to work towards addressing. We are grateful to all appraisers who have continued to willingly carry out appraisals. The Appraisers’ Group continues to meet regularly to support all appraisers, address concerns and encourage more colleagues to come forwards. There have been no concerns about non engagement of a doctor in the past year. 4 Revalidation Following the GMC’s suspension of Revalidation, this was recommenced in April 2021. In year we submitted a total of 78 recommendations. 54 of these were revalidated and 24 were deferred, the reason for deferral was primarily down to Multi-Source feedback not being available as the pandemic had limited our ability to gather patient feedback. Of those deferred, 6 have subsequently been revalidated taking our total number of revalidations in year to 60, 2 have moved onto others Designated Body’s and the remaining 16 will be revalidated later in the year. 5 Managing concerns about doctors There has been no change in the way concerns are investigated and managed during the pandemic. In 2021-22, concerns about the performance of one Consultant have been identified, with a supportive approach being taken to their management via PPA (NHS Resolution) in the first instance. Very recently concerns have been raised about the behaviour of another Consultant and this is currently during investigation via a MHPS route. Regular meetings have continued with the GMC ELA throughout the past year albeit in a virtual environment. 6 Responsible Officer With the retirement of Dr Makin, the EMD and Responsible Officer in April 2021, Dr Daniel Saunders has taken up the role of Responsible Officer, supporting the Medical Appraisal Lead.
7 Recommendation The Board is asked to note the information provided in the report.
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