Public Board papers 31.03.22

• The wellbeing team has provided an open invitation to staff to use its services if they feel they need them, the information board in the staff room has also been used to disseminate information. • We have maintained the 11am huddle on the ward, where we discuss how everyone is progressing through their day, and if anyone needs any help with anything. That time is also valuable to bring the team together. • We have continued our employee of the month, having a separate display board for the comments received for all nominees for that month. • We have a display board in our staff room, which has photographs of staff (on previous ward outings), it is a colourful reminder of what we are as a team. It also has laminated posters which people can write positive messages on. • We have an amazing relationship with Supportive Care Team and Outreach team. They have been invaluable in providing debrief sessions, especially following emergency situations and/or managing patients in the last days of life. This has allowed staff to be open in their feelings and feel supported/support each other. I am immensely proud of the staff on ward 12 as I see them continue to support and care for our patients and their loved ones through these ongoing uncertain times. The ward 12 staff support for one another is outstanding, and the cohesiveness it gives us as a team shines through every day. They have shown their resilience time and time again, working through the pandemic and their concerns and worries for their own loved ones, to once again provide exceptional care for our patients. Since coming into post on AAU I can see that the team are dedicated and rise to any challenge. They pride themselves in caring for critically unwell patients and the care they provide is outstanding. The staff establishment set out for AAU I believe is adequate, however which I am aware has been mentioned previously the staff need to be protected to ensure we maintain safe staffing levels to manage the acuity. • Achievements Maintaining COVID protocols and patient testing; excellent compliance with rapid testing for patients to ensure they have a negative test prior to moving to another ward. Therefore, improving patient flow as staff ensure these are completed within the first hour. Rapid testing increased their service to 6pm to ensure we can swab as many patients as possible. Introduction of Safety Huddle; clearly identifying risks for patients on the ward. The huddle highlights each area of risk and states each patient and the bed number so all staff on the ward are aware of resus status, falls risk etc. Recruitment of a clinical based educator for AAU and AACU which will have a significant impact on supporting new staff and improving compliance within the areas. Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) Ward Managers professional judgment (achievements & challenges) • Evolution/development of service


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