Public Board papers 31.03.22

Visiting Achievements • We have liaised closely with all of the Matrons in the inpatient service, as well as outside of the directorate. We have received amazing support from senior management when it comes to visiting and explaining choices made. • We have been able to use the tablets on the ward to facilitate facetime conversations and catch ups for patients. This has also aided in relatives being more involved in patient reviews by medical and AHP teams. Environmental Challenges • The ward is dated and looks worn in places. • Socially distancing patients has been a challenge whilst balancing bed pressures. Environmental Achievements • Our housekeeper has closely liaised with estates over any issues arising on the ward. These are promptly and correctly reported and logged. Staffing Challenges Staffing on the ward once all vacancies have been filled will safely meet the requirements of the service. During the time that the planned admissions ward has been open, all other inpatient areas have seen an increase in patient acuity on the wards. This increases the pressure on all staff and tests their resilience and their physical and emotional well-being. In order to meet the needs of the service we have put in place several measures to try and reduce that pressure on the staff and delegate some of the tasks that are required. • Full-time Discharge co-ordinator role. • A new support manager has been appointed to assist all inpatient areas with admin support for the inputting of PDR assessments, helping with coordination of recruitment, organising ESR and the hierarchy within that. • The CPF roles continue with supporting new starters on the wards and fully organising their first 8 weeks in the trust, relieving pressure on ward staff. • 1:1 meetings are available for all staff to help in any way we can. • Our phlebotomy service continues, again relieving pressure on ward staff, and an increase in hours for them has been approved and will be implemented soon. We have had a high number of staff Covid absences (particularly towards the end of the year) and also general sickness absences this period. All of this has added to the emotional burden on the staff of ward 12 (concerns about family and the general effects of the pandemic) and has tested their mental, emotional and physical resilience. While all of the above has been challenging to the staff on the ward, we have been able to put in place several measures to relieve some of those pressures. • Wellbeing sessions lead by the Wellbeing and Complementary Therapy teams have been introduced, these happen during our huddle time on the ward, meaning we are able to reach out to a larger number of staff.


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