Public Board papers 31.03.22
Agenda Item 11/22c
Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 31 st March 2022
Six Monthly Compliance with NICE Safe Staffing Guidelines
Janelle Yorke – Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Quality
Report of
Janelle Yorke – Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Quality Theresa Plaiter – Deputy Chief Nurse Sharan Ingram – Quality and Standards Matron and NMP Lead
Paper Prepared By
Presented by
Janelle Yorke – Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Quality
To review and approve the nurse staffing levels as assessed using the Safer Nursing Care Tool in line with recommendations within NICE Guidance. To endorse the findings and conclusion of this six-monthly nursing establishment review and approve the nurse staffing levels. NICE Safe staffing guideline [SG1]; NHS England November 2014: Safer Staffing, a guide to care contact time National Quality Board (July 2016): Supporting NHS providers to deliver the right staff, with the right skills, in the right place at the right time – safe sustainable and productive staffing NHS Improvement (June 2018) Care Hours per Patient Day (CHPPD) Guidance for Acute and Acute Specialist Trusts National Quality Board (Jan 2019): Safe sustainable and productive staffing, An improvement resource for the deployment of nursing associates in secondary care NHS Improvement (Oct 2018):Developing Workforce Safeguards. Supporting providers to deliver high quality care through safe and effective staffing
Summary/Purpose of Paper
Background Papers
Link to:
Implementation of NICE Guidance Our Strategy
Trust’s Strategy
Corporate Objectives
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Safer Nursing Care Tool© - SNCT National Quality Board - NQB Whole Time Equivalent – WTE The National Institute for Health & Care Excellence - NICE
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