Public Board papers 31.03.22

0 Board agenda 31.03.221
10-22c Draft Board minutes 27.01.222
10-22d Action plan rolling programme8 - 9
2021-228 - 9
10-22d(ii) Action log - Public items12 - 13
11-22a CEO update 31.03.202214
Chief executive’s report15
Number of Covid-19 cases occupying hospital beds in Greater Manchester20
11-22b IPQFR February 2022 (003)26 - 27
Slide Number 126 - 27
1.1 - Incident Reporting36 - 37
1.2 - Serious Incidents and Never Events38 - 39
1.3 – Moderate+ Incidents40 - 41
1.4 – Learning - Patient Safety Incidents42 - 43
1.5 - Radiation Incidents44 - 45
1.6 – Harm Free Care46 - 47
Slide Number 1248 - 49
Slide Number 1350 - 51
Slide Number 1452 - 53
Slide Number 1554 - 55
3.1 - Cancer Standards56 - 57
3.2 – Referrals Analysis58 - 59
3.3 – Length of Stay60 - 61
3.4 – Activity62 - 63
3.4 – Activity64 - 65
3.5 - Complaints66 - 67
3.5 - PALS68 - 69
3.6 - Inquests70 - 71
3.7 - Claims72 - 73
4.1 - Healthcare Associated Infections74 - 75
4.1 - Healthcare Associated Infections76 - 77
4.2 – COVID-19 Testing78 - 79
4.3 - Mortality Indicators & Survival Rates80 - 81
4.4 - Quality Improvement & Clinical Audit82 - 83
4.5 - NICE Guidance84 - 85
4.6 - HR Metrics (Sickness)86 - 87
4.7 - HR Metrics (PDRs & Essential Training)88 - 89
4.8 - Workforce Metrics90 - 91
5.1 - Finance (Executive Summary)92 - 93
5.2 - Finance (Income)94 - 95
5.3 - Finance (Expenditure)96 - 97
5.4 - Finance (Capital)98 - 99
11-22c Safe Staffing Board Report March 22100
11-22d Responsible Officer report to Board March 2022 - Final 16.3.2022114
11-22e Trust Board Report Jan 2022 working117
11-22f Board Mar 22 - SS21 results report_v0.2129
NHS Staff Survey 2021 Results130
11-22g Digital Services Update March 2022148
1.0 Overview149
2.0 Objectives for the Period March 2022 to May 2022149
3.0 Objectives Evidence for September 2021 – February 2022150
4.0 Evidence of Delivery150
12-22a Governance - F&PP, Joint Letter of representation etc154
1. Representation by all members of the board155
Under the terms of authorisation as a Foundation Trust it is necessary for the board to confirm their awareness of all significant matters within the organisation and disclose any matters of consequence to the organisation. This is done for the previo...155
A draft of the letter is attached as appendix 1. All board members are asked to sign this letter to confirm the statements contained within it.155
2. Register of Commercial Interests and Affiliations155
3. Fit and proper persons declaration155
4. Declaration of independence by all non-executive directors156
The board of directors is required to identify in the annual report each non-executive director it considers to be independent. The board should determine whether each director is independent in character and judgement and whether there are relations...156
The board of directors should confirm that it has received an appropriate declaration of independence from each non-executive director and considers each non-executive director to be independent.156
5. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)156
6. Recommendation156
Each member of the board is asked to sign the relevant letter of representation (available for signing at the board meeting), the declaration of their commercial interests and affiliations, the fit and proper persons declaration and the general data p...156
The board is asked to confirm that it considers each non-executive director to be independent.156
Appendix 1157
Disclosure of significant matters of a strategic, operational or governance nature157
Appendix 2158
Appendix 4160
12-22b Annual reporting cycle 2022-23162
12-22c Corporate & Exec objectives & BAF168
12-22ci BAF 22-23180 - 181
Sheet1180 - 181
13-22a BAF cover paper188
13-22ai BAF 21-22190 - 191
Sheet1190 - 191
13-22b Engagement activities196
13-22c Audit report201
13-22d QAC report203

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