Public Board of Directors papers 30 June 2022
use this to support cancer education more widely. We must get the internal learning & education right to then get the external right. RF noted the work going on to work with non-medical staff as well as medical. Need to use the assembled talent around the table to inspire staff, we will have ‘poster’ people. AM asked about mentoring and if that’s something the Trust is looking at. RF noted the Maguire Unit and its work, mentoring is part of this, and we are looking at how we expand this and keep it affordable. KW congratulated the change in name to Christie Education rather than School of Oncology. He asked about the University links and thinking around this relationship. RF noted that there’s cooperation and competition with the University. Professionals want bespoke CPD and the universities are not looking at this so we are looking at how we can fill this gap. We may look at fellowships / Masters qualifications etc. There is peaceful coexistence with the University of Manchester. There is also AHP work through the University of Salford where we do the specialist bit of the training. d Annual sustainability report JY noted that this is first annual report to come out of the agreed plan that was approved at Board last June. There’s an engaged team and we are making good progress. There is still some time to make more progress towards the aims. There’s a new BAF risk around sustainability to progress this. Target is to achieve net zero by 2040. GP asked about the air quality in GM. JY responded that this isn’t one of the measurements, we are looking at what we can do as an organisation. We are progressing towards understanding what our position is and how we get better. KR asked about whether we have enough electric charging points to encourage staff to have electric cars. JY responded that the Christie fleet have priority on the charging points but we do have enough and also have scope to expand them. JM asked whether the impact of patient travel has been taken into account. RS responded that we have done significant work to improve this. For example we have surpassed the miles saved with the Macclesfield site. It is estimated that we will save 750k patient miles a year. Care closer to home is making significant improvements in this. e EPPR annual report BD presented the report. This gives a summary of the work in year. We have been running an emergency planning room for 2 years. There have also been digital incidents that have required us to run incidents. We have plans to do a desktop exercise in digital and we test & refresh business continuity plans continuously. RS noted that this will be looked at through the assurance committees going forward and reported to Board.
21/22 Approvals a Update on CQC and regulatory activities
JY noted that this used to be part of the approval process but is now for noting. The report shows where the CQC landscape currently is and where it is going. We still don’t know exactly what the inspection regime will look like, it will now be based on data and risk. There is a draft list of oncology markers for inspection,
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