Public Board of Directors papers 30 June 2022
1. Safe
1.7 - Corporate Risks
There are 4 Trust-wide 15+ risks in May 1 risk reduced in score (3259) Description Score
No change to risk score. Alongside all GM ICB organisations and inline with the national timetable the Trust submitted full 22/23 plans for workforce, activity and finance on 28th April 2022. The Christie financial deficit at the time of submission was £2.6m which, when aggregated with all other GM ICB organisations, gave a GM financial plan revenue deficit of £187m, in addition to a system oversubscription against the permitted capital envelope of £59.3m. Early feedback from regional and national NHSE/I teams on the April system submission suggests that, whilst the vast majority of ICB areas across England have submitted financial deficits, the GM submitted deficit is one of the highest in the country and not considered to be within an acceptable range and therefore not approved as the final plans for the ICP. Consequently further steps are required across GM to improve financial plans and reduce the current planning deficit. This work is ongoing and whilst some improvement has been made including an additional £72m national funding to support the System achieve break even, there remains a substantial revenue and capital gap to close by the next planning submission in mid June.
Financial risk 2022-23 (ID 3219)
Risk of negative impact on engagement levels, staff health & wellbeing and delivery of services, due to Trust-wide staffing gaps. (ID 2438)
15 Management Board Approval for International Recruitment received - Work commenced to source candidates Just R work progressing
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