Public Board of Directors papers 30 June 2022

haven’t treated as many patients as predicted because of Covid. Other indications are being looked at for CAR-T and we are learning more about which patients are going to respond well to the treatment. CO thanked the team and invited questions. AB noted that we are working collegiately with GM partners to deliver CAR-T. It’s a very costly treatment and did get NICE approval. The cost should come down as the technology moves on. RA asked about the neurological problems and cooperation with Salford. AB noted this works well and there are also new drugs that can be used for neurological toxicity. Additional support has not been required to the extent it was feared e.g. critical care, outreach etc. EL asked about referrals. AB noted that referrals are regional, N Wales and Liverpool and as far south as Stoke. They come through the MDT. KW asked why CAR-T is effective for blood and not solid tumour cancers. AB responded that there are issues of penetration of the tumour, immunotherapies tend to work better on blood cancers. There is research on going. 19/22 Standard business a Apologies Apologies were received from Tarun Kapur (TK), Non-executive Director and Prof Fiona Blackhall (FB), Director of Research b Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest noted. c Minutes of the previous meeting – 28 th April 2022 The minutes were accepted as a correct record. d Action plan rolling programme, action log & matters arising Item Action a Chief executive’s report RS noted the deescalating position for covid. On 19 th May the incident response was deescalated from level 4 to level 3. This moves away from command & control. The pressures in the system are highlighted in the context of recovery plans being delivered. The pressures for emergency and planned care are as bad now as they have been throughout the pandemic. The Christie has no significant delays in treatment delivery. Diagnostic pathways in other providers are suffering significant delays. We are offering mutual aid for Priority 2 cancer surgery. RS noted the celebration activities for our staff outlined in his report. There is a stakeholder update attached which outlined that the system is on schedule to initiate the ICS from 1 st July with the Integrated Care Board in place and continuing its recruitment to that Board. We continue to talk to colleagues in Cheshire & Mersey as we are also a partner in their ICS. GP asked about the discussions going on around the capital envelope for All items from the rolling programme are noted on the agenda. The Annual Report & Accounts comes back to the joint Audit/Quality Assurance meeting in June for approval. 20/22 Key Reports


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