Public Board of Directors papers 30 June 2022
6. Response to specialised commissioning consultation We have been invited to comment on the proposed methodology by which target funding allocations will in future be set for specialised services for ICS populations. The methodology has been recommended to NHSE/I by the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation (ACRA), the independent expert body comprising of clinicians, public health experts, NHS managers and academics that has advised government on health service allocations since 1997. Initial review of the proposal indicates there are factors that have been omitted from the proposed funding calculation including deprivation which will make a significant difference depending on the geographical location of the population being served. The deadline for response to the consultation is 30 th June and we will provide a response as the Christie and also as GM ICB and via the Federation of Specialist Hospitals (FoSH). 7. Greater Manchester NHSI/E have confirmed the constitution for the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board and work continues on the Readiness to operate statement between the ICB and the Provider Federation Board. Included in the readiness to operate statement is the intention for the Provider Federation Board to lead the system responsibility for 8 health programmes including Cancer. The Cancer operating model is based on the Alliance leadership for the cancer system. This is in line with national guidance and transition arrangements are in place. This includes the transfer of the CCG cancer commissioning role into the Cancer Alliance and the development of the cancer system performance mechanism. Confirmed Appointments to Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board Chair – Sir Richard Leese Chief Officer for Population Health and Inequalities - Sarah Price Chief Officer for Strategy and Innovation – Warren Heppolette In addition 9 of the 10 places in Greater Manchester place leads have been confirmed. 8. Estate Developments The Paterson project continues with a major milestone of the final works for the gas supply being started this month along with planning for the important Home Office validation works. The Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system will be switched on in June allowing for a more efficient way of managing the Trust’s car parks. Work is underway on other major projects including the energy centre, installation of the MR scanner, pharmacy outpatients facility and replacement of the linear accelerators at the Oldham site. Chief Executive Officer – Mark Fisher Medical Director – Manisha Kumar Finance Director – Sam Simpson Chief Nurse – Mandy Philbin
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