Public Board of Directors papers 30 June 2022

Agenda item 25/22a

Meeting of the Board of Directors 30 th June 2022 Chief executive’s report

1. Situation Report The impact on our operational services of COVID-19 is minimal. Our Trust escalation remains at level 2 due to the number of vacancies in various clinical departments, which requires regular interventions and monitoring to avoid any impact on service delivery. In line with updated national guidance we have reviewed our biosecurity measures via the clinical advisory group and there have been no changes in the past month. On site activities and footfall has increased with no impact in terms of increased impact of Covid 19 on our patients and services. Our focus continues to be to provide all cancer care and treatment for our patients and to ensure we play our part in the GM cancer recovery plans. We are continuing to provide mutual aid for other providers across GM for cancer surgery and we are making progress at making progress to take on direct management of oncology clinics across GM. 2. Planning submission 2022/23 As part of the Greater Manchester Integrated Care System (GM ICS) we must set our financial plan as part of a system plan. The national planning round is near completion and each system must submit their respective activity, finance and workforce assumptions. The clinical divisions have submitted these with the total Christie submission forecasting delivery of volumes exceeding the activity in 2019/20 (the national requirement). Each part of the Greater Manchester system is required to break even which the GM ICS are working towards. In terms of capital planning for 2022/23, the same rules apply as for the revenue planning, that the plan needs to be an aggregate GM ICS plan and must fit within the prescribed capital budget. We submitted our required plan to the required deadline. 3. Annual Report & Accounts 2021/22 The Annual Report & Accounts 2021/22 was approved at the joint meeting of the Audit & Quality Assurance Committee in May 2022. The final audited and signed version of the Annual Report & Accounts has now been submitted to NHSEI by the required deadline. 4. Appointments NIHR Pre-Doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship Scheme Professor Janelle Yorke, Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Quality has been appointed as Chair, NIHR Pre-Doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship Scheme The NIHR Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship (PCAF) Scheme supports award holders to undertake Masters’ level academic training and to prepare an application for a doctoral level research training Fellowship whilst maintaining clinical practice.


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