Public Board of Directors papers 30 June 2022

Section 3 – Decisions reserved to the Board of Directors

Reserved to Board of Directors

Decisions reserved to the Board of Directors

General enabling provision 1. The Board may determine any matters it wishes, for which it has delegated or statutory authority, in full session within the statutory powers Regulations and control 1. Approve standing orders, a schedule of matters reserved to the Board and standing financial instructions for the regulation of its proceedings and business. 2. Suspend Trust constitution. 3. Vary or amend the constitution. 4. Ratify any urgent decisions taken by the Chair and Chief Executive in accordance with the constitution. 5. Approve a detailed scheme of delegation of powers from the Board to Committees. 6. Require and receive the declaration of Board members and Governors interests which may conflict with those of the Trust and determine the extent to which that member may remain involved with the matter under consideration. 7. Require and receive the declaration Officers’ interests, which may conflict, with those of the Trust. 8. Approve arrangements for dealing with complaints. 9. Adopt the organisation structures, governance arrangements, processes and procedures to facilitate the discharge of business by the Trust and to agree modifications thereto. 10. Receive reports from Committees and to take appropriate action thereon. 11. Confirm the recommendations of the Trust’s Committees where the Committees do not have executive powers. 12. Approve arrangements relating to the discharge of the Trust’s responsibilities as a corporate trustee for funds held on trust. 13. Establish terms of reference and reporting arrangements of all Committees and sub-committees, which are established by the Board. 14. Approve arrangements relating to the discharge of the Trust’s responsibilities as a bailee for patients’ property. 15. Authorise use of the seal. 16. Ratify or otherwise instances of failure to comply with the constitution brought to the Chief Executive’s attention in accordance with Trust constitution. 17. Discipline members of the Board or employees who are in breach of statutory requirements or the constitution. Appointments and dismissals 1. Appoint and dismiss Committees and individual members which are directly accountable to the Board.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Schedule of Reservation of Powers Document Ref: Scheme of Delegation Version 05


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