Public Board of Directors papers 29.09.22

29-22c Draft Board minutes 30.06.222
29-22d Action plan rolling programme8 - 9
2021-228 - 9
29-22d(ii) Action log - Public items12 - 13
30-22a QAC report to Board - June 202214
30-22b WAC report to Board - July 202217
30-22c Audit report to Board - July 202220
30-22d BAF cover paper v23
30-22di BAF 22-2326 - 27
BAF 22-2326 - 27
31-22a Trust report Sept32
Trust Report33
31-22b IPQFR August 202240 - 41
Slide Number 140 - 41
1.1 - Incident Reporting50 - 51
1.2 - Serious Incidents and Never Events52 - 53
1.3 – Moderate+ Incidents54 - 55
1.4 – Learning - Patient Safety Incidents56 - 57
1.5 - Radiation Incidents58 - 59
1.6 – Harm Free Care60 - 61
Slide Number 1262 - 63
Slide Number 1364 - 65
Slide Number 1466 - 67
Slide Number 1568 - 69
3.1 - Cancer Standards70 - 71
3.2 – Referrals Analysis72 - 73
3.3 – Length of Stay74 - 75
3.4 – Activity76 - 77
3.4 – Activity78 - 79
3.5 - Complaints80 - 81
3.5 - PALS82 - 83
3.6 - Inquests84 - 85
3.7 - Claims86 - 87
4.1 - Healthcare Associated Infections88 - 89
4.2 - Mortality Indicators & Survival Rates90 - 91
4.3 - Quality Improvement & Clinical Audit92 - 93
4.4 - NICE Guidance94 - 95
4.5 - HR Metrics (Sickness)96 - 97
4.6 - HR Metrics (PDRs & Essential Training)98 - 99
4.7 - Workforce Metrics100 - 101
5.1 - Finance (Executive Summary)102 - 103
5.2 - Finance (Expenditure)104 - 105
5.2 - Finance (Expenditure)106 - 107
5.3 - Finance (Capital)108 - 109
5.4 - Finance (CIP)110 - 111
31-22c EPR Strategy Board of Directors September 2022.pdf112 - 113
Electronic Patient Record (EPR)112 - 113
EPR ‘Buy or Build’ Decision114 - 115
Between Then and Now116 - 117
What is openEHR?118 - 119
System Landscape – Siloed Best of Breed120 - 121
Strategy – EHR platform using openEHR122 - 123
Postcards from the Future124 - 125
What if we Bought?126 - 127
Current digital maturity128 - 129
Strategic Aims (what we are guided by)130 - 131
Design principles (how we will design)132 - 133
Mission 1: Digitally enabled clinical services134 - 135
Governance and monitoring136 - 137
Slide Number 14138 - 139

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