Public Board of Directors papers 27-10-22

HR metrics were outlined. 85.5% personal development review (PDR) performance – this is a focus, SOO are looking at how these are undertaken and this may be helpful going forward. August showed a slight increase in sickness levels at 4.43% - this includes Covid related absence. We are carrying a significant number of vacancies, but we are beginning to see improvements in nursing and pharmacy recruitment. Financial position was outlined.  £57k surplus compared to a breakeven plan/£48k deficit in month  I&E deficit £7.4m  Cash balance £173,646k  Capital expenditure at 6.8% above NHSI plan (reflects Paterson and Linac at Oldham)  CIP - a further £614k of recurrent savings identified in month (total of £3.2m / 44% against the recurrent plan of 7.3m) GP asked about recruitment. BD noted that we are maintaining our standards in recruitment and are using all our capabilities to support this. EL also noted that we are looking at what we can do to support our staff in terms of cost of living – e.g. reassessing mileage/travel rates, looking at the real living wage etc. We are also widening our focus to attract more people from a wider pool. RA asked if there are areas with real problems. EL noted that the issues are across the board. c EPR update ARP presented on the electronic patient record (EPR), the current position and future strategy. 3 years ago the decision was taken to continue the development of our EPR system (CWP). To do this, we have developed a software engineering team alongside an external partner, implemented a governance process around EPR and re-coded CWP into a modern platform. We use Open EHR that is an open storage standard that defines how the clinical data is structured. This enables separation of the data layer and the application layer. ARP outlined the current set up of our data and how it is structured now and also where we want to get to in our data strategy. There will be one way in to the various elements of the system. Feedback has been sought from clinicians to ensure that the strategy for digital works for the staff and patients. CB joined the meeting. ARP explained that we are not looking to buy an EPR as any new benefits for clinical staff would not be seen until the new system was implemented and there would be significant programme capacity for 2 to 3 years. It would increase our revenue costs as well as impacting on research data availability. The additional flexibility Open EHR allows was described. ARP noted that we understand where our issues are from a digital perspective and outlined the self-assessment we have undertaken. This is the ‘Frontline digitisation – core capabilities’ assessment and is a national standard. ARP showed a graph outlining our assessment against the elements of this. Design principles have been set and the elements of the strategy that relate to CWP was shared as well as the governance and monitoring of this.


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