Public Board of Directors papers 27-10-22

d Action plan rolling programme, action log & matters arising All items from the rolling programme are noted on the agenda. 30/22 Board Assurance a Quality Assurance Committee report – June 2022

KW outlined the report and the levels of assurance assigned to the matters relating to BAF risks. IP&C delivered their report as did digital. No escalations were recommended to the Board. b Workforce Assurance Committee report – July 2022 TK noted that it was a very successful first meeting. There was an excellent presentation on diversity to start the meeting. No items were recommended for escalation to Board. It was made clear that this is an opportunity for spotting issues and celebrating staff. It was a very positive meeting. The focus on EDI was stressed as a priority. TK added that the communication to staff around the work that’s going on, how it is feedback to Board and the importance the Board place on this work is key. CH noted that the medical staff issues will be covered in this committee as well as other staff groups. It was noted that this committee takes some of the work previously done through the Quality Assurance & Audit Committees. JY added that she sits across all 3 committees so can support them in ensuring we are not duplicating or missing anything. GP added that the regular meetings of the chairs and exec leads also considers this. c Audit Committee report – July 2022 GP noted the comprehensive agenda and internal audit tracker report that allows the committee to focus on closing off actions from audits carried out. The meeting focused on 2 risks, the financial risk & the risk around our partnerships and high assurance was received for both. There were no escalations to note. A Digital update was also received that addressed outstanding issues. CO noted that we have clarified how the digital agenda is covered by Board and assurance committees. d Board assurance framework RS outlined the updated version of the framework and noted the updates that have been made. No significant changes have been identified because of the assurance committees this month. GP noted that the risk relating to the carbon zero risk has not yet been scored. This will be done at the next quality assurance committee.

31/22 Key Reports a Trust report

RS noted the executive summary of the report. Since the report was written we have received notification from the CQC that we are an outlier in the 2021/22 CQC Inpatient Survey in the ‘much better than


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