Public Board of Directors papers 27-10-22

Agenda Item 34/22b

Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 27 th October 2022 Board Assurance Framework 2022/23

1 Introduction The Board Assurance Framework (BAF) 2022/23 was presented to the Board of Directors and Quality Assurance Committee in September and Audit Committee in October. Further review of the BAF has taken place by the Executive team and Company Secretary since the meetings. 2 Updates to risks All risks in the 2022/23 framework have been reviewed to reflect the most up to date situation in the Trust and wider system, as well as the significant global factors impacting the NHS going forward. A risk score has been added to risk 8.2 ‘Failure to progress towards achievement of the NHS net zero Carbon targets through failure to achieve the annual milestones for The Christie set out in the Sustainable Development Management Plan’ of 8 (4/2). This was further considered by the Audit committee in October. Suggested updates There are no other suggested updates to the risks identified in the Board Assurance Framework. Consideration will be given to the allocated risks at each Assurance Committee meeting, and these have been added to rolling programmes to ensure appropriate oversight. Recommendation To note the Board Assurance Framework (BAF) 2022/23 that reflects the risks to achievement of the corporate objectives and the levels of assurance given to the various risks. 3 4


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