Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

• A description of SI panels and executive reviews that took place in the quarter, root causes and associated learning • A summary of any risks added to the risk register as a result of the content of the report • A description of any training undertaken / implemented as a result of the content of the preceding report 14.3 Process for communicating reports/learning points Lessons learned arising from incidents, complaints, concerns and claims can be shared by the following routes: • Presentation of the reports described above to the various Trust committees • Team brief • Divisional board meetings and divisional performance review meetings, ward/departmental and staff meetings • Health and safety committee • Training sessions • Ad hoc reports will also be produced by the governance team at the request of any manager, committee or divisional board, often in response to developing trends or concerns. 15.0 CONSULTATION, APPROVAL AND RATIFICATION PROCESS This risk management strategy and policy has been developed by the Quality and Standards team in conjunction with colleagues from the divisions. The draft strategy has been widely circulated to the executive directors, service managers, matrons and members of the risk and quality governance committee and its sub-committees and feedback comments incorporated. The policy will be discussed at risk and quality governance committee in November 2021, who will then recommend it for approval and ratified by the Board of Directors in December 2021. 16.0 DISSEMINATION & IMPLEMENTATION 16.1 Dissemination • Once ratified the document will be sent to IT who will replace the historical version which will subsequently be archived • Awareness will be raised at team brief, via an email to all clinicians, departmental managers, and at on-going essential training sessions 16.2 Implementation This strategy will be effective from the date of ratification. 16.3 Training/Awareness A programme of risk management training is provided for all employees, as outlined within the Trust training needs analysis which includes description of risk management training requirements including

• Relevant staff groups • Frequency of training • Attendance and follow up of non-attendance

Monitoring of compliance with the training needs analysis and the processes the organisation follows should gaps in compliance be identified are managed by the

Risk management strategy and Policy 2021-2024 Document ref: RM01 Version 04

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