Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

They must encourage the proactive management of risks through the development, implementation and monitoring of risk education and training programmes and the effective functioning of their governance committees.

Responsibilities cascaded to medical, nursing and clinical and non-clinical department managers for local implementation of the strategy and associated policy documents in their departments, wards and/or other clinical and non-clinical areas 5.5.3 Health, Safety and Emergency Planning Lead, Patient Safety and Risk Lead and Patient Experience Lead These postholders have overall responsibility and professional leadership for implementing this Risk Management Strategy, on behalf of the Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Quality. They will lead the strategic direction, development, implementation and evaluation of this strategy. 5.5.4 Patient Safety and Risk Team Risk Management systems and processes will be overseen by the patient safety and risk team. The team act as a central reference point for all risk management issues. Patient safety and risk teams receive and collate information on risks within the Trust, monitor new developments in risk management, develop knowledge and expertise through the provision of training and act as a liaison point for risk management issues both within the Trust and with external agencies. 5.5.5 Divisional Governance Leads Responsibility for providing advice and support to colleagues on all issues relating to this strategy and associated policy documents; ensure departments have an active risk register and that risks are updated; ensure risk assessments are undertaken and provide quality assurance checks; ensure systems and processes are established with the division to manage risks and incidents. 5.5.6 Responsibility of all Employees, Agency and Contractors (“Staff”) Responsibility for compliance with the requirements of this Strategy and associated policy documents; awareness of the risks identified within their working environment and how their role impacts on those risks; reporting hazards or threats to the ward or department manager taking reasonable steps to reduce the risk if possible. 6.0 COMMITTEES AND SUB COMMITTEES WITH RISK MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing assurance and operational aspects of risk management are delegated to the following Trust approved committees. 6.1 Quality Assurance Committee The quality assurance committee is a wholly Non-Executive led formal sub-committee of the Board. It has responsibility for monitoring and reviewing the governance processes in the organisation to fully assure the Board of Directors that the most efficient, effective and economic risk, control and governance processes are in place, and that the associated assurance processes are optimal. The quality assurance committee receives a report of the activity of the risk & quality governance committee in order to fulfil the assurance of risk management processes. 6.2 Audit Committee The audit committee is a wholly Non-Executive led formal sub-committee of the Board. It has primary responsibility for financial risk and associated controls, corporate governance and financial assurance.

Risk management strategy and Policy 2021-2024 Document ref: RM01 Version 04

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