Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

impact is key to the future. Questions invited.

AM noted that this is very exciting and there is a lot of potential. AM noted the virtual direction is excellent. She asked about the demographics and who can be reached to come into oncology, particularly a pipeline through schools. RF responded that it is a balance, we must keep technology simple to ensure there is easier access for all. It is about simplicity and easier access, reaching out to schools in a positive way, we will be looking at getting links with schools and would appreciate input. We are looking to use existing tools to support learning e.g. Microsoft Office. CHv noted the kickstart programme, we have 12 recruits and have another 16 coming, we have a target of 60. AM noted how good this is. JM asked about the challenges between online, face to face and telephone and asked if there is enough focus on making this work. She also asked about the measures of the impact of Gateway-C and GP engagement. CHv noted that there is a questionnaire to assess impact that shows positive feedback. There is GM focused work to connect with the referrers in GM and with pathway leads so they know who they are referring to. KW noted the main purpose is to train staff, the other area is revenue driven. He also asked about apprenticeship funding and making full use of the contribution. CHv noted there is focus on both training Cristie staff and generating revenue. In terms of the apprenticeship levy we are doing OK, there’s a clinical trial coordinator apprenticeship and we are using this as well as others, we are using as much as we can currently. RF noted that education must be accessible and relevant and we want to see how it can lead to change. We could do better with certain staff groups so we must start well and get it good here in order to then offer it out. CO noted the report.

40/21 Board Assurance

a Board assurance framework 2021/22 RS noted the BAF. There are no suggested changes in month. No questions. b Staff engagement activities

BD noted the paper that outlines some of the operational engagement sessions that have been put on. The Board are asked to note this, a more comprehensive report will be brought back in a future meeting. RS noted that previously the Board could look at activities relating to executive walk rounds etc, this is an opportunity to demonstrate the alternative activities that are taking place across the organisation. A broader set of activities will be presented in a future meeting. GP noted that this is very impressive. He asked if there’s been any feeling that some of the engagement has been disproportionate in certain groups. RS responded that this hasn’t been tested but that we endeavour to reach all groups of staff including the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion groups. The network groups are very engaged and we seek their feedback more, the pandemic has made this stronger. JY noted that feedback from staff is that they find virtual sessions more inclusive.


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