Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

SECTION 1 RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 1.0 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS Claims policy Complaints and concerns policy Corporate Essential Training Prospectus

Duty of Candour policy Health and safety policy Incident reporting and investigation policy Major incident plan Management of external agency visits, inspections and accreditations policy Management of national clinical guidelines Raising concerns at work policy The Christie Quality Plan 2.0 INTRODUCTION

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust is committed to implementing the principles of good governance, defined as the system by which the organisation is directed and controlled, at its most senior levels, to achieve its objectives and meet the necessary standards of accountability, probity and openness. The Trust recognises that the principles of governance must be supported by an effective risk management system that is designed to deliver improvements in patient safety and care as well as the safety of its staff, patients and visitors. The Trust is required to have a Board approved document for managing risk that identifies accountability arrangements, resources available and contains guidance on what may be regarded as acceptable risk within the organisation. This Risk Management Strategy and Policy provides a structured approach to the management of financial, reputational, clinical, non-clinical and project risks. It is a requirement for regulators such as Care Quality Commission and NHS Improvement and for external accreditations e.g. JACIE standards in Haematology and Transplantation. The purpose of this document is to define the Trust’s Strategy for Risk Management for the period 2021-2024. This 2021-2024 strategy builds on the successful implementation of the 2017-2020 strategy by strengthening some existing elements and identifying new key objectives. 2.1 Statement of intent The Christie NHS Foundation Trust is committed to having a risk management strategy and policy which minimises risks to patients, staff and other stakeholders through comprehensive systems of control. This is crucial to ensure the Trust is able to fulfil its commitment to providing high quality treatment, care and services. The focus of this strategy is to build on the previous three year strategy which had at its heart the promotion of a risk conscious environment where safety is seen as paramount as its central remit. The three objective statements of this current risk management strategy, as described in section 4.0, will drive forward specific elements to ensure the Trust continues to have effective systems and processes in place.

Risk management strategy and Policy 2021-2024 Document ref: RM01 Version 04

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