Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

manufacturer’s instructions

Members of staff who fail to be adequately fit tested a discussion should be had, regarding re deployment opportunities and options commensurate with the staff members skills and experience and in line with nationally agreed algorithm

If patient facing staff were to fail all fit testing FFP3 masks and power hood training redeployment mitigations would be discussed and put in place by the line manager in line with the individual’s skills and experience. This would ensure staff and patient safety was maintained but also services remain operational. See Algorithm for the use of a valved FFP3 respirator or PAPR Power Hood, Valved FFP3 respirator risk assessment, Risk assessment for Infection risk when using FFP3 reusable respirators (Corpro) with valves, Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) or valved disposable FFP3 respirators during surgical and invasive procedures and Risk assessment algorithm for fit testing. Documented records of pass and failure of specific FFP3 masks are held on the trust intranets central fit testing record. This excludes any confidential information that may be discussed with the individuals and their line managers. Staffing is reviewed at the daily sitrep / operational huddle in relation to staffing absence and safe staffing particularly in relation to service readiness. See operational huddle slides 11/01/22. This is in addition to the centrally held fit testing register on the trust intranet. Any concerns are escalated via the line management process and then to the daily sitrep, so the executive team have oversite. Consistency in staff allocations for those in patient facing roles has been maintained as best possible to ensure safe staffing across all clinical areas in line with national guidance. Increased prevalence or outbreaks of COVID-19 has resulted in cohorting

Power hoods are available across the organisation.

A documented record of this discussion should be available for the staff member and held centrally within the organisation, as part of employment record including Occupational health Boards have a system in place that demonstrates how, regarding fit testing, the organisation maintains staff safety and provides safe care across all care settings. This system should include a centrally held record of results which is regularly reviewed by the board Consistency in staff allocation should be maintained, reducing movement of staff and the

Records of these discussions and mitigations would be in employment records held by the individual line managers.

C1501: Infection prevention and control board assurance framework (24 December 2021 Version 1.8) – January 2022


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