Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

COVID-19 vaccination are in according with criteria determined in national guidance. See Flu Vaccination Policy.

trust guidance. If staff were to decline testing this would be explored by the designated line manager and appropriate mitigations implemented. The fit testing register is a ‘live’ register available centrally on the trust intranet. Work is in progress for this to be in ESR. See Evidence to support progress of fit testing records in ESR.

Staff required to wear FFP3 reusable respirators undergo training that is compliant with HSE guidance and a record of this training is maintained and held centrally/ESR records

Staff required to wear FFP3 reusable respirators are trained by designated fit testing trainers within the IPC team. Staff are trained on a range of masks. Training records maintained and held centrally as a ‘live’ document on the trust intranet. There is a designated section to fit testing on the intranet housing manufacture specific information and risk assessments.

Although records are held centrally on the intranet that are not within ESR

Staff who carry out fit test training are trained and competent to do so

There are a core group of fit testers that have received validated training from a Trainer outside the Trust. See confirmation email of validated fit testing training and Train the trainer fit tester check list. A face fit testing register is maintained and displayed on the Trust intranet, indicating the mask type and model staff are trained to use and updated as required. See central fit testing record. Face fit testing is monitored and audited by a fit testing lead within IPC. See Fit testing report October 2021 and FFP3 Audit November 2021.

All staff required to wear an FFP3 respirator have been fit tested for the model being used and this should be repeated each time a different model is used

A fit testing SOP is in draft form. See Standard Operating Procedure & Fit Testing Policy: COVID-19 Face Fit Testing. Fit Testing Staff for an FFP3 Disposable

Practice and compliance is monitored and audited by a fit

testing lead. Practice and compliance has been reported to the

C1501: Infection prevention and control board assurance framework (24 December 2021 Version 1.8) – January 2022


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