Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

6. Systems to ensure that all care workers (including contractors and volunteers) are aware of and discharge their responsibilities in the process of preventing and controlling infection Systems and processes are in place to ensure that:

Appropriate infection prevention education is provided for staff, patients, and visitors

Infection prevention and control education is mandatory for staff with performance compliance monitored via ESR, divisional and the trusts operational group (TOG) reports. Centralised training records evidence PPE training of staff providing care and are in line with the organisations PPE policy. See Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy. Staff, patients, and visitors are frequently reminded of how to fit a mask and mask etiquette via global email communications briefings, intranet resources and posters displayed around the trust. See Fitting a surgical mask. Mandatory IPC training is initiated at trust induction and 3 yearly updates thereafter. Compliance is monitored centrally and reported to the divisions via performance reports. Training includes PPE and donning and doffing. This has been reinforced during the pandemic and communicated widely in the trusts sitrep / operational huddles and daily communication briefings. Those requiring face fit testing undergo specifics training for FFP3 respirators. A central register is kept on the brand of mask staff are tested on and dates. See Central fit testing record – accessed 14/01/22 and previous donning and doffing guides. See previous donning and doffing guides. Training and selection of PPE forms part of the mandatory IPC training. Up to date guidance and selection of PPE is displayed on all IT screen savers enabling staff to be kept up to date with any changes. Current and archived versions are available on the COVID-19 drive. See PPE policy

Training in IPC measures is provided to all staff, including: the correct use of PPE including an initial face fit test/and fit check each time when wearing a filtering face piece (FFP3) respirator and the correct technique for putting on and removing (donning/doffing) PPE safely

All staff providing patient care and working within the clinical environment are trained in the selection and use of PPE appropriate for the clinical situation

C1501: Infection prevention and control board assurance framework (24 December 2021 Version 1.8) – January 2022


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