Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

Equipment (RPE) for patient care in specific situations should be considered. Ensure that patients are not transferred unnecessarily between care areas unless, there is a change in their infectious status, clinical need, or availability of services.

The flow of patients is outlined within the Patient Flow policy outlining the requirement for moves when there is a change in clinical need, infectious status or availability of services. In patient management of patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 is further supported by the Standard Operating Procedure COVID-19 Infection Control Guidance for inpatients and Managing Patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection. See Patient Flow Operational Policy, Standard Operating Procedure: COVID-19 Infection Control Guidance for inpatients and Standard Operation Procedure: COVID-19 - Managing Patients with Confirmed COVID-19 infection. A daily sitrep is chaired by the Chief Operating Officer (COO) or Exec on call giving the executive team oversight of the daily COVID-19 position. This includes information on positive and any hospital onset cases, staffing, operational issues, national guidance and CAG outcomes. An action and decision logs are kept from these meetings and can be found on the trusts shared COVID drive. Information from the daily sitreps is disseminated via the divisional leads who are in attendance at the daily sitreps, via email in a daily trust wide communication briefing and posted on the trust’s intranet HIVE. See Trust wide sitrep / operational huddle 11/01/22 and COVID-19 global communication briefing 13/01/22. The trust has maintained compliance with daily submissions of the national and GM Gold COVID-19 sitrep and the weekly SARI Flu sitrep which also have executive oversight throughout the pandemic. Evidence of submission is saved to the COVID-19 shared drive which the executive team have access to.

The Trust Chief Executive, the Medical Director or the Chief Nurse has oversight of daily sitrep in relation to COVID-19, other seasonal respiratory infections, and hospital onset cases

C1501: Infection prevention and control board assurance framework (24 December 2021 Version 1.8) – January 2022


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