Public Board of Directors papers 260123

1. Safe

1.7 - Corporate Risks

There are 4 Trust-wide 15+ risks in December Description Score


No change to risk score - level of recurrent CIP identified has increased in Nov by £0.6m to £3.9m which is 54% of recurrent target of £7.3m

Trust has achieved a break even financial position as at end month 8 but this has required significant reliance on non-recurrent delivery of efficiencies via vacancies, and a non-recurrent drugs rebate

Achieving 2022/23 Break Even Financial Plan including CIP (ID 3293)

GM System now formally placed in financial recovery due to scale of YTD system and forecast financial deficit. System financial recovery action continues. Trust reviewing options to see if there is any possibility of delivering better than break even position in 22/23.


Review of agency spend, and process will take plan early in New Year

As confidence grows around achieving in year break even position this risk will need to be replaced with the risk around 23/24 financial plans which will be impacted by the level of unidentified recurrent CIP from this year

15 Task and Finish Group has been set up and commenced to manage an SOP for defined roles and responsibilities for making appointments across the trust. The aim of this is to ensure a standardised approach for follow up appointments. The team is also tracking appointment related DATIX incidents through their division.

Timely appointments not being made resulting in risk to patients being lost to follow up (ID 3299)



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