Public Board of Directors papers 260123

Agenda item 03/23a

Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 26 th January 2023

Trust report

Subject / Title


Executive Directors

Presented by

Roger Spencer, Chief Executive

This report brings together the key issues for the Board of Directors in relation to our performance, strategy, workforce, the Greater Manchester system landscape, the regulatory landscape and other pertinent matters within the scope of the board’s responsibilities. It incorporates existing reports and responds to the feedback from the Board Time Out in July 2022. The board is asked to note the contents of the paper. Integrated Performance, Quality and Finance Report Finance Report

Summary / purpose of paper


Background Papers

Risk Score

See Board Assurance Framework

Link to: 

Achievement of corporate plan and objectives

Trust’s Strategic Direction

Corporate Objectives

CEO Chief Executive Officer MCRC Manchester Cancer Research Centre CRF Clinical Research Facility ECMC Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre CRN Clinical research network NIHR National Institute for Health and Care Research

You are reminded not to use acronyms or abbreviations wherever possible. However, if they appear in the attached paper, please list them in the adjacent box.


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